Benefits Beyond The Massage
Deep Tissue Oil is more than just a post-workout massage oil! It’s a versatile blend of warming and cooling ingredients like wintergreen, peppermint, ginger, and arnica. This refreshing aroma makes it perfect for diffusers, helping to create a focused and calming atmosphere. For a full-body experience, massage it onto the soles of your feet and cover with socks to lock in its benefits. Diluted with a carrier oil, such as almond oil, it can be applied to specific areas for added comfort, making it a helpful companion for everyday aches or tension. From targeted relief to aromatic support, this oil is a multitasking favorite.

Can be used in a diffuser to refresh the mind and open up sinuses

Great for feet, neck, chest, and even for external support during women's time of month

Made with herbs like Ginger, St John’s Wort, Habanero Pepper, Calendula, and Arnica

Try Deep Tissue Salve for a less messy option

For over 20 years Master Herbalist Sandra Ellis has been teaching families how to use the power of herbs for health and healing. Sandra is the mother of 15 and grandmother to 43. Much of her experience has come from raising and caring for her own family. She also had a successful midwife practice for almost ten years, which brought her in contact with many different mothers and children, where she was faced with new challenges to overcome. She has a firm faith in God and the wonderful gifts of the Earth that He has left here for us. With her belief in natural healing, her children nicknamed her “Dr. Mom” – a name that has stayed with her throughout her community.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, Deep Tissue Oil can be used during pregnancy when diluted appropriately. . Apply before bed to promote better sleep. *Avoid using immediately after a shower or in combination with wet compresses. Do not get into eyes or mucous membranes. .
Use with caution when breastfeeding. Peppermint may potentially reduce milk supply for some moms..
Yes, Deep Tissue Oil can be used on children 2 years and older when diluted correctly (2 parts olive oil or almond oil to 1 part Deep Tissue Oil). This ensures a gentle application for their sensitive skin. Do not get into eyes or mucous membranes..
Absolutely! Dilute the oil and apply to the chest, neck, or soles of the feet to support respiratory health..
Yes, it works beautifully in a diffuser! Add 4-6 drops to enjoy the uplifting aroma of Wintergreen and Peppermint. It’s especially helpful for mental clarity and respiratory support..
Deep Tissue Oil combines the warming properties of Ginger and Habanero with the cooling effects of Menthol and Peppermint, making it a unique solution for both deep tissue and sensory invigoration. Plus, its versatility as an aromatherapy tool and massage aid makes it a must-have..