Survival Guide for Awkward and Embarassing Birth Moments
Survival Guide for Awkward and Embarassing Birth Moments
There are so many things in life we can’t predict or control. ! Childbirth comes with a colorful variety of these things. From pooping yourself during childbirth, tearing your downstairs, your baby getting “stuck”, or your vagina never being the same again, there are some inevitable, uncontrollable, awkward, and uncomfortable birth moments that remind us how little control we have over our bodies. But perhaps the worst thing is that there is no knowing whether or not series of things will happen to you during childbirth. The uncontrollable awkward or horrifying moments of childbirth remind me of a time I was sitting at a red light once, blocked in by other cars on my right and behind me. All of a sudden a car came racing towards me on my left. I couldn’t get out of the way, and I wasn’t sure whether he would hit me or not. Like this car, some events of childbirth look horrifying and scary, you’re anxious but you aren’t sure whether you will even experience the trauma. The oncoming car stopped just inches before my vehicle. All this to say, you could poop yourself, but you may not. You might
Scared of Tearing During Childbirth?
I remember pushing during my first experience with childbirth. I was laying on my back, after hours of being on
Preventing tearing:
What If I Poop?
It’s a horrifying thought really. As if you didn’t have enough of a mess going on down there, and you find out that many women even poop during delivery. I know approaching my birth I was so scared of what my husband would see happen down there. I was nervous enough that the stretching and a baby head popping out would be enough to make him squirm, the thought of pooping myself brought this shame to a whole new level. A few things helped me shift my view about this possibility. The first
- 1 Pooping during childbirth means you are using the right muscles. Many professionals will tell you that if you poop during childbirth you are activating the current muscles that help push the baby out.
- 2 You will feel pressure on your anus. Whether or not you poop, you will feel like you have to because of the baby traveling through the birth canal and applying pressure.
- 3 Pooping during childbirth exposes your baby to your gut bacteria, aiding in establishing their immune system. Before the baby is born, there is no gut microbiome, and they spend the first weeks of like establishing this. Introducing your baby, to the natural bacteria that accompanies childbirth can help jumpstart that process. 1
What if My Baby is Too Big?
I have a friend who’s OB scheduled a C-section for her, weeks before her baby was due. He defended his decision by telling my friend that she was small, and her baby was looking rather large. When her C-Section was performed her baby was a good size at just over 8 lbs… but not the gigantic baby the doctor made my friend fear she was carrying. All this to say, cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) is actually rare, and in most cases cannot be diagnosed before labor. In other words, you find out when your baby actually isn’t fitting. Here
1 Delivering on your hands and knees compared to
laying on your back, allows for the pelvis to open 20-30% larger. So change up that birthing position! - 2 Remember, your baby’s head is not one bone, but sliding plates that can actually “squish down” during birth. Likewise, your pelvis is made of more than one bone and the joints can stretch. Remaining active during labor can help the pelvis to enlarge nearly a few centimeters.
- 3 Fetal positioning can also hinder the ability for the baby to descend from the birth canal. Practice pelvic tilts on your hands and knees, or against a wall.
What if I’m Ruined Down There?
When I imagine pushing out a 9 pound baby out of my vagina, I wonder how it will ever be capable of returning to anything close to its pre-birth self. But once again, the human body is amazing. It is capable of incredible things. Things will get stretched, maybe even torn, stitched, and messy, but you will heal. Will it be different? Probably, but far from ruined. I seriously can’t say it enough… the female body is amazing. Here are some reasons your vagina will be salvageable, and sex may be even better than ever.
- 1 Your body produces estrogen and in large doses at the end of your pregnancy. These hormones help your vagina stretch in ways that are not typically possible.
- 2 Doing before and after can help the tissues of the perineum be more for delivery and help strengthen them and tighten everything back up. Do those I tried to do 10 every time I peed, and peeing is a frequent occurrence during pregnancy.
- 3 Birth makes you more sexy. Many couples report an even better sexual bond after having a baby. It is womanly to make babies, point blank.
If you do suffer from some vagina trauma (which we all do to some extent - pushing babies out is no joke) here are some tips for speeding up recovery.
•Witch hazel pads
•Eat well, lots of fiber
• Bottle
Childbirth comes with its inevitable awkward and embarrassing moments that can put us in a state of fear.
Tatiana Schmidt - Holistic Nutritionist

Tatiana Schmidt is a certified Holistic Nutritionist and mama to AJ, a 3 year old boy and Baylin, a 1 year old girl. She has a passion for health, nutrition, and delicious food. You can find her work in the Sprigs Magazine, on the Sprigs Blog, and at
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