Dealing With Infertility Naturally
Dealing With Infertility Naturally
Infertility is becoming more and more prevalent in our society. There are a wide variety of reasons for this condition, but I think there are two reasons which are extremely obvious. The first one has to do with our standard American diet (SAD). According to statistics, almost half of the standard diet is made up of animal products – meat, dairy, eggs, etc. Most people are purchasing these items from grocery stores where the animals have been raised on steroids, pesticides, immunizations, hormones and antibiotics. When we ingest the products, which come from these animals, we are taking all of these chemicals into our own bodies. These chemicals play havoc with our hormones and how our body functions on a day to day basis.
The second reason for our high rate of infertility may become from our extensive immunization program. After four years of trying unsuccessfully to become pregnant, one of my daughters went to a fertility clinic in southern California for help. While I was waiting for her to come out from her ‘egg retrieval’ procedure, I met one of the directors of the clinic. When she heard that my 24-year-old daughter was having this procedure done, she said, “Let me guess – her husband is in the military”? I replied that he was and asked her how she knew. She told me she was part of a group who was trying to push for legislation which would allow all men and women who join the military to have their eggs/sperm retrieved and frozen before receiving all the immunizations which are required in the military. She said the rate of infertility among service people is extremely high. This information was very enlightening to me. Whether to receive immunizations or not is a very personal decision, but it should be an educated one. It is important to seek out information and become informed on the pros and cons of each individual immunization, so that you are making an informed decision and not just following the advice of someone who has been educated by the pharmaceutical companies.
So, in order to deal with infertility naturally, the first thing I advise young couples to do is change their diet. Moving away from all of the animal products and including more fresh, live fruits and vegetables in the diet will go along way toward helping to balance the hormones and increasing fertility. Making at least half of the diet live, raw food is a good place to start. This can easily be done by focusing on fruit in the morning, salads for lunch with vegetables and nuts throughout the afternoon. This could be followed by a cooked meal for dinner as long as it is not centered around animal products.
Over the years there have been quite a few couples who have come to me with this problem and my heart always goes out to them. It can be an emotional roller coaster to go for months or years yearning to have a child of your own but being unable to conceive. Because of this I developed a program to try to help as many as I could. It involves five phases and up until my own daughter married someone who went into the military, it has had an extremely high success rate.

Step One:
Clean up the diet.
- a) As we discussed in the first part of this article – half of the diet is made up of fresh, live foods along with very little animal products.
- b) Drink lots of pure, fresh water – staying away from sodas and sugar.
- c) Drink Red Raspberry Leaf tea daily
Step Two:
Use an herbal hormone supplement along with wheatgerm oil three times per day to help give the body the building blocks it needs to create the hormones necessary to maintain a pregnancy. -
Step Three:
Chart your cycles. It is important to learn how your body works and when your most fertile times are, so I recommend charting. This goes beyond just taking your temperature in the morning – it is getting to know exactly where you are in your cycle and what is happening at any given time. Go to or contact Natures Warehouse to get your free copy of the chart. I would also highly recommend reading the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler, MPH.
- a)Follow this regiment for three to four cycles to see if a pregnancy happens.
Step Four:
Slant Board Routine
- a) If a pregnancy has not resulted from Step 1 – then we move into Step 2 for the next 4 cycles.
- b) The idea of a slant board is to get you in a head-down position with the hips elevated about 18 inches above the head. You can purchase a commercial slant board. However, I like to use several folded bath towels in the bathtub. I lie in the tub with my hips on three or four folded bath towels. This way when I’m finished, I can throw the towels in the wash and rinse out the tub.
- c) You will need something to douche with: an enema bulb, a turkey baster, an enema bucket or a commercial douchebag. The idea is to get fluid up into the vagina, so use what you have on hand.
d) Supplies you will need:
- Slant Board - Something to douche with - Castor Oil - Cocoa Butter - Dr Christopher’s VB Formula
VB stands for vaginal bolus. The herbs in this combination are designed to draw things out. In order to use this formula, you will need to melt the cocoa butter and then add the powdered herb formula. You want a fairly thick consistency like that of pie dough. After mixing the herbs and butter, put the ‘dough’ into ice cube trays and place in a freezer. When you need to use a bolus, take the trays out of the freezer. Pop out a cube, and then, depending on the size of the cube, cut it into two or three pieces. When you pick up the piece to work with it, the cocoa butter will begin to soften due to body temperature. Mold the piece you are working with into the shape of a tampon.
Yellow Dock (cut)
- a) Slant Board Routine – Make a quart of tea using the cut Yellow Dock. When your tea has cooled down to room temperature, put it into whatever you plan to douche with. Set your tea and castor oil next to the slant board or on the side of the tub. Lay in a head down position on the slant board or towels and douche with the tea.
- b) The tea is going to do two things. First, it will flush out the boluses from the last two days. Second, we want the tea to get up to the uterus to nourish it. After you have flushed out the boluses, allow the rest of the tea to stay up inside. While you are still in the head-down position, holding the tea inside, put some castor oil on your abdomen and massage. You are going to use an effleurage motion to do this massage – start with your fingers above the pubic bone and draw them up toward the naval, then draw your hands in opposite directions toward the outside of the abdomen, then down and around so they meet back at the pubic bone.
- c) Massaging helps to draw the Yellow Dock up into the uterus. It also helps to pull the organs back up where they belong, so this is very beneficial if you are dealing with a prolapsed uterus or incontinence due to a fallen bladder. The castor oil will help to break up scar tissue, adhesions, endometriosis and other stagnant conditions. I try to stay in this slant board position for 20 to 30 minutes.
- When we are in this step of trying to get pregnant, I recommend doing this procedure for one cycle and then stop for one cycle. If a pregnancy does not result, then repeat for one cycle and go off for one cycle.
- If, after being on a clean diet, charting, the herbal supplements, and doing the slant board routine, a pregnancy still has not happened, then we move into the fifth step.
Step Five:
Wheatgrass Douche
- a) Juice a complete flat of wheatgrass – depending on the moisture in the grass – this will yield 4 to 7 oz of juice
- b) Get in your slant board position before going to bed – douche with the fresh wheatgrass juice
- c) Use the castor oil to massage the abdomen for 20 to 30 minutes
- d) Follow this routine every night for two weeks
- I used this wheatgrass procedure in my late 40’s to help heal myself of uterine fibroids. After two weeks, I went back to normal 28-day cycles with regular ovulation and continued to cycle until I was 60 years old.
- Those who have been successful with this five-step program typically have done the first three elements for three to four cycles. If a pregnancy does not happen, continue the first three elements and add the slant board routine. This should be done one cycle on and one cycle off. If there is still no pregnancy – repeat. If there is still no pregnancy, I would keep doing the first three elements, stop the Slant Board Routine and do the wheatgrass douching for two weeks.
- I am only aware of two women who did not achieve a pregnancy after following this program. In the first case, she was well into her forties when she tried to get pregnant. The second case was my own daughter who ended up going to the fertility clinic. We also need to remember that a woman is born with all of the eggs she will ever have. Therefore, as we age, so do our eggs. I was told by a doctor that if you were to put the eggs from a 20-year-old into a petri dish with sperm, about 90% of the eggs will become fertilized. In our thirties, only about 50% of the eggs will join with the sperm, and in our forties, it drops to about 10%. So, the older we are, the more challenging it becomes.
- Every woman is different and every cycle is different. They can be affected by stress, illness, travel, excitement – by life! Learn to know your own body and then you won’t have to guess about when you are fertile, you will know. The healthier you are and the closer to your ideal weight that you are – the better your chances will be, so stay positive, stay active, consciously think about what you are putting into your body, learn to chart and do all that you can to love and appreciate the life God has given you until your miracle takes place.
Sandra Ellis, Master Herbalist

For over 20 years Master Herbalist Sandra Ellis has been teaching families how to use the power of herbs for health and healing. Sandra is the mother of 15 and grandmother to 43. Much of her experience has come from raising and caring for her own family. She also had a successful midwife practice for almost ten years, which brought her in contact with many different mothers and children, where she was faced with new challenges to overcome. She has a firm faith in God and the wonderful gifts of the Earth that He has left here for us. With her belief in natural healing, her children nicknamed her “Dr. Mom” – a name that has stayed with her throughout her community.
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